We offer Colonial and Early American block printed Wallpapers, Borders, Friezes, and Screens reproduced using traditional methods and materials. Our 17th and 18th century wall hangings are created from original historic documents. These are the finest period block printed reproductions available today.

Our wallpaper is based on exhaustive and continuing research through many historic preservation institutions in the United States, Britain and France. The collection includes patterns from the archives of The Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, Old Sturbridge Village, and the New York State Historical Association. Historic papers range in dates from 1750-1860.

Each order is produced individually using traditional labor intensive methods favored by a very small handful of artisans. Therefore, some lead time is required.

Samples are available on request.
We are qualified installers for these historic papers.

56 Second Street ~ Athens, NY ~ 12015 ~ 518-945-3880 ~ Fax 518-945-2301

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